Worthy & Worthwhile

27 Just one thing: As citizens of heaven, live your life worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or am absent, I will hear about you that you are standing firm in one spirit, in one accord,[a] contending together for the faith of the gospel, (Philippians 1:27 CSB)

I think we all desire to live a worthy life. However, our definition may be different.

I do not meet many people who are just out and out evil. Those who make no bones about the life they are leading which is completely focused upon their own personal pleasure. And maybe in this case, evil is too strong a word. They are just self-absorbed.

But the humble people, who live most of their lives for others, these are the ones we hold up as living worthy lives. And to be sure, this is true. However, many others live very simple, quiet but worthy lives that we never see. These are the people that put in the work day in and day out, not complaining, making a life for their family and living for the God they serve.

Do I think you can live a worthy life without God? Maybe, but the question then is would it be a worthwhile life?

When life is at its end all the money and power in the world will not make or buy you a place in heaven. It is then when we realize just how worthy and worthwhile our lives have truly been. When we face Jesus and give an accounting he will not be looking at our bank accounts, our resume or out social media influences.