27 Can any of you add one moment to his life span[a] by worrying? (Matthew 6:27 CSB)
Take a second and really think about this very moment.
We can either act or be passive in any given moment. When we are passive we are at rest and should be regenerating our energy. When we are active that action can be either positive or negative.
So any positive action forward can be a force for good, and any passive moment a time to regain our energy.
But any negative action is really only a waste of time and drain our energy. Oh, and how much time do we waste? We worry and fret, we think about tomorrow and try to plan but worries get in the way. So we burn even more of our time and precious energy concerned over outcomes.
But let us go back to the moment we began with. How might we add to that moment? Well, we can’t. Thus, that moment (now gone) has happened whether we wanted it to or not. Only God knew the outcome of that exact moment and all the moments ahead.
We cannot add anything to our life, we cannot get time back. We can only live in the moment we are given. We can plan for the future, and we should to an extent.
But in this moment, the one you are living right now, not the one we thought about a few moments ago; this moment you can only live it once. So why would we want to give moments in worry, effectively living future moments multiple times. Wasted on the moment we were worrying about and then living that moment again without any way to get the previous moment back.
Think about that last line deeply today and let us stop wasting moments on worry.