In Our Own Eyes

1 Transgression speaks to the wicked
    deep in his heart;[a]
there is no fear of God
    before his eyes. (Psalm 36:1 ESV)

We can get to a point where we no longer even see our sin. We are so buried in it that it has become habitual and we make excuses for what we do to ourselves and possibly others. Deep in our heart we lose our fear of God.

But you may say, why should I fear God, He is a loving God? Yes, He is and that is why He is being patient with us. He does not want to see us fall completely away, so He gently corrects and looks for our return. God’s love is vast, but we must have a healthy fear of Him so that we are motivated to do right, even when we desire to do wrong. We do not want to wait until God has to take more drastic measures to correct our ways.

Our biggest problem is the last few words of today’s scripture, “before his (our) eyes.” You see, there is most often pride in our transgressions, and we know pride goes before the fall. We see ourselves as not doing wrong but just living our lives as we desire. We are arrogant and proud, we do what is right in our own eyes with no though of God.

We must reflect upon our lives and make changes so that our pride does not cause our fall.