44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. (Matthew 13:44 ESV)
Let’s say that you found something that was so valuable, and yet undiscovered by others, would you not do anything in your power to obtain it? Of course we would. And this is the treasure we have in Christ.
We may not look at our relationship with Christ, or his very being, as something of unsurpassed value, but it surely is. His salvation has bought you a place in heaven, a place with Christ in eternity. We should really dwell upon this thought far more than we do.
The days, months and years of this life pass away so quickly, and they only speed up as you get older. The things of this earth, the things we hold dear cannot pass with us into eternity. Our lives are but a wisp of vapor upon this earth and then we are gone. Should we not cling to the surpassing value of what lies beyond.
Yet we cling to this world and all we have in it. Think on those you know who have passed away. They had only two things that outlived their lives on this earth. The legacy they left in how they touched others lives and where they ultimately are spending eternity. That is all we have left when everything else is stripped away, and both of these hold exceeding value.