Bless Them

27 “But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. (Luke 6:27-28 ESV)

More often than not, I do good just praying for those I love, much less those who I do not. Taking that another level and actually praying for those who curse us or abuse us almost seems too much. But this is what God desires from us.

Truth be told, when I make a point to do so my level of angst goes down and I am not nearly as put off by how they treat me. Another place in scripture it says when we are kind and friendly to our enemy it heaps hot coals in their lap. My dad used to say this, although I think he too struggled with internal frustration with people.

I also try to put myself in their position and see myself through their eyes. Maybe it is I who needs hot coals heaped in my lap. Maybe I am not being nearly as kind and friendly as I think I am. Often, when we search ourselves we find the same bitterness we see in others.

A prayer in these times comes in very handy in shifting our thinking and in many cases will divert any further conflict. A blessing for them becomes a blessing for us.