Newness of Life

We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. (Romans 6:4 ESV)

Consider for a moment what the term “newness of life” means to you in your conversion experience.

We know there is a newness of life when a baby is born. But how, when we are older, can we experience a newness of life?

Well, a life in Christ should bring a newness to it and should mark a change in how we are living. No longer are we dead in sin, but we are new in Christ and our lives should not be the same. We have made a choice to believe and follow and live a new life.

So, we are all dead in our sins. We are not just lost, we are spiritually dead. We are headed to hell and we have no way to redeem ourselves, no matter how good we are. Why would we not embrace this newness of life!?

Search yourself today and consider if you are still living in the newness of life or have become jaded and let your old ways seep back in.