Live Like That

1 What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it? (Romans 6:1-2 ESV)

We may look at others and ask, “how can they live like that”, as we see them living in what we deem as a negative lifestyle. But, brother, are you considering the plank in your own eye?

We are called, as Christians, to live in a way pleasing to God. But how often do we choose to live the way we see fit, or do things that compromise Christian living? How often do you get angry on the road when driving (physician heal thyself).

Recognizing a negative or sinful life in others should provide the prompting we need in two areas. Retrospect on our own way of life and a desire to share the gospel with another so that they may live a different life in freedom.

God does not expect us to have ourselves totally together before we begin to evangelize to others. However, there needs to be evidence we are working hard to clean up our own life.

I was speaking to someone yesterday who was telling me of the difficulties and wayward ways in their past life. My comment was that they had a built in testimony for others who struggle like they had.

We must strive to no longer live like we did while we work toward the golden standard God desire we live by so clearly stated in scripture.