Never Pass Away

35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. (Matthew 24:35 ESV)

Have you considered or done a little research on the Bible and scripture. It is amazing that so many writers over such a span of time wrote in such a way that the stories would hang together like they do in our modern Bible. Additionally, the fact that these words have stood the test of time is just as amazing.

But then, it was predicted that these word would never pass away. Prophesy in scripture is also an interesting thing. It points forward, backward and onto itself throughout. The scriptures literally prove themselves page to page and book to book.

Now, many will say that it is not all that I note here and more. Many want to point to discrepancies and seeming errors, that when studied deeply enough and in context do not exist. And history has continued to uncover other text that corroborates many events contained within these sacred scriptures.

No, the scriptures are a true and living thing that will never pass away even outliving heaven and earth.