
30 The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, (Acts 17:30 ESV)

This world gives me regular pause. There is so much in our lives that God could consider ignorance, especially ignorance of scripture, which is His command to us. Yet, we go right on sinning and living life without much thought to this.

Today’s scripture should give us all pause. God is saying that the time for ignorance is past. His time of overlooking it is gone. And with the sacrifice of His Son we have no excuse to continue in our ways. We must look to scripture and the Spirit to guide us in God’s way and not in our ongoing ignorance, which is wanton sin.

To be honest, much ignorance is lightly draped in our arrogance. We see ourselves as better than we are and often ten feet tall and bullet proof. However, this could not be further from the truth. Our arrogance is a human failing. It is the epitome of ignorance. It puts us in a place above even God in our lives. This, my friend, is the utmost of ignorance.

We need to check ourselves today and do away with ignorance and arrogance in our lives.