Kick a Dog

34 Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. (Romans 8:34 ESV)

We know that our enemy creates many situations to distract us to sin. But do we also realize that he too condemns us when we follow his leading. Yes, unlike Christ who intercedes for us, the enemy is continually condemning us for our sinful acts. The father of lies does his level best to make us doubt ourselves and feel worthless. This is his plan. While Christ plan is for our wellbeing.

The enemy likes to kick a dog when it is down. He knows that if he can goad us into depression and anxiety we may question even our faith. We may begin to see everything as catastrophic and give up on life all together. He wants you bruised, beaten and down. In this way it is impossible for you to be a light unto the world as Christ commands. His light cannot shine through us when we are so down.

This is when we must set our feet upon the Rock, which is Christ. We must bring up the shield of faith, put on the breastplate of righteousness and the helmet salvation and take up the sword of the spirit. Only within the armor of God can we hope to stand and bruise the enemy’s foot when he decides to kick this dog.

(no animals were injured in the writing of this post.)