Very Good

31 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. (Genesis 1:31 ESV)

If you were in the right place recently you got to witness the awe inspiring handy work of God in the heavens during the solar eclipse. Even if you were not were you could view it, I expect you saw pictures and video’s of it. It was a reminder of the grandeur of God.

But we look for these monumental events and miss the intricate artistry of His creation in the much more mundane but no less inspiring. The veins on a leaf, the delicate butterfly wing, the chuckle of a baby, the love of a parent and a million other things that He made that are very good.

These things deserved awe when He first made them in our Genesis story as they do today. We simply miss them because we are always running and never stopping to look at these very small and simple things that should inspire awe within us each and every day.

You, yes you, are one of those things that God made very good. You may not feel it today, but you are fearfully and wonderfully made and should never discount God’s work in who you are and how He made you. The fact that He made you for this place and this time speaks volumes to His plan for your life right now, today, this very moment. If we will only take a moment to recognize this.