
And now, O Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of David my father, although I am but a little child. I do not know how to go out or come in. (1 Kings 3:7 ESV)

Have you ever found yourself in a new situation where you have been given added responsibilities but were not completely sure how to execute on them? This is where Solomon stood as he took over as king from his father David. He felt inadequate for the task, but called upon the Lord for wisdom, discernment and knowledge. Which God granted.

I do not think we have to fear walking into new situations. My life has seen a lot of changes, but God has always been there with me no mater what. Humans can learn a great deal in a short period of time if they are pressed to do so. We may find ourselves in new circumstances that require adaptation or gaining of new forms of knowledge and we can rely upon God to give us the capabilities to learn. He did not send the disciples out expecting they new everything but telling them to rely upon Him.

God has fearfully and wonderfully made each of us. We need not worry overly much about new areas of our lives. We need to but rely upon God to help us adapt to our new surrounding or role.