15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. (Mark 16:15-16 ESV)
Yesterday we talked about being involved in God’s mission to mankind. But if you are not built or called to be a missionary, and are not comfortable sharing your faith, how do you participate in God’s mission?
Some, who are not called to the field or to share, are called to send and to pray. Having a daughter and son-in-law who are missionaries I see just how much they need donations and prayer to fulfill their calling. Now, with one child and another on the way that need for funds and prayer is even greater.
You see, full participation can come in the form of sending and praying. There is so much need for this and so few willing to do so. The act of fundraising is a difficult one. And even when you are donating to send others, missionaries desperately need your prayers to be strong a courageous. The mission field at home or abroad ask a lot from the sent and the sender.
Reflect on: Just how you are fully participating in God’s mission in the way He calls you.