I have been laboring under a delusion. You may have been as well. Especially if you are “of an age”. I grew up in an era where you “worked hard and kept your nose clean”, one of my dad’s favorite saying. And you know, it worked…for a time. Then position...
Slow Down – Hone Down – Calm Down
Taking a look at my life I recognize that everything I do, I do at a fevered pace. I have so much going on that I must do things at a fevered pace to keep up with it all. As such, I am very often quite frustrated and angry about...
Time, Talent & Treasure
I heard a very good spiritual commentary the other day. While this was focused on these resources from a scriptural standpoint, as I listened I realized that this is a valuable view of our lives expendable resources regardless of your religious viewpoint. These are, at their root, our only available...
I was reading one of my favorite motorcycle magazines today and realized something quite metaphorical about myself and my life. I tend to look at the pictures more than I read the articles. Now that may not seem like much of an epiphany, but I think I realized that it...
Corner Office
The corner office has been the target of many of us in the business world. That hallmark pinnacle of success where we are afforded a place among the stars in our select profession. I have sat in such an office a few times metaphorically if not practically in my line...