You have an addiction. It’s subtle and you may not realize it, but you most likely do. In fact, I will go so far as to say that your addiction is costing you more and more each month than you realize. You will argue with me that you are not...
When I began reading and thinking about simplifying my life, it seemed a straight forward and simple enough task. Planning for it was easy enough. Considering where I needed to weed through and what criteria I would use to begin to limit and eradicate the “baggage” I had accumulated. I...
I need to be honest with you. I am writing this out of fear. I am about to begin a journey/process that I have been contemplating doing for some time and I need to sell my family on it. Maybe they will read this and that can start the conversation....
Menicus, a first century Chinese philosopher said; “If Heaven is about to entrust an important mission to a man, it begins with filling his heart with bitterness and by confusing his powers of perception and overturning his plans. It forces him to exert bone and muscle. It forces him to...
Not sure about you but this time of year makes me very demotivated. Unlike spring where I want to get out in the sun and ride somewhere, fall and winter make me lethargic. It’s like I need to hibernate. This is especially difficult on my desire to work out and...