
Chaplaincy A Common Understanding

Chaplaincy is simple, the showing of God's love to all people. The demonstration of this practical "show of love" may take many forms. In a hospital, it may be assisting with a "do not recessitate" directive, or guiding a patient faced with their mortality in a discussion of the hereafter....

Meet Christ

E-commerce sites have taken retail online and with such its audience. Once representatives used to be able to physically approach customers to see if they needed their assistance, now when visitors are on a website many companies are not aware of their existence unless the visitor makes contact.

Rushing Wind Biker Fellowship

Any enterprise that wants to increase its customer base by sending mobile messages should keep certain basic marketing rules in mind. When it is a startup, knowing such marketing tips becomes all the more important. Today, we reveal 6 most important SMS marketing tips, especially for the startups.