01. Accept
Learn what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ our Savior. Know Him and feel the freedom of a life of Faith!
02. Grow
Read scripture, pray, take the Biker Chaplain Volunteer Chaplaincy course and grow in your live of Faith!
03. Tell
Tell others about your faith and see it spread. We are all called to a life of discipleship and service, spreading the good news of our Faith!
Welcome to Biker Chaplain
The number of people involved in motorcycle ministry is on the rise. Christians may participate via a church, church ride groups or one of the more than 100 national biker ministry organizations. It is in an effort to advance personal motorcycle ministry through one of these avenues that BikerChaplain.com was conceived. It is the goal of Bikerchaplain.com to provide basic ministry services, and a standard in quality of ministry services combined with the training necessary to assure compliance with that standard.
Advanced chaplaincy training is required by many State institutions for ministry access to governmental facilities. This training is required of, Pastors following an occupational or vocational call to fulltime ministry, and to the laity following a bi-vocational and volunteer call to service. This training provides important information and skills training necessary for all ministry practitioners.
BikerChaplain.com also offers ministry tools to assist in the effectiveness of ones personal ministry whether aligned with a ministry organization or an independent practitioner. These tools include basic ministry services and communication components.
As a completely independent training and support component to ministry, Bikerchaplain.com is not a ministry unto itself. Bikerchaplain.com operates more like a trade association or professional society. Thus, whether trained or untrained (endorsed or not endorsed) an individual would generally align with a biker ministry vehicle or simply be a lone wolf servant of Christ on a motorcycle.
From a strategic perspective, most successful motorcycle ministries tend to be denominationally neutral. Bikerchaplain.com has formed strategic alliances with several national ministries including the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT). The foundation of the alliance between BikerChaplain.com and the BGCT is through the “Hands on Ministry” training program. This training has been the cornerstone of BGCT endorsed volunteer Chaplaincy, and we offer it to BikerChaplain.com members and others interested in biker ministry. The independent nature of our offering clearly reflects the independent nature and culture of motorcycle ministry in general and the target audience.
We are a couple of guys who are involved in church and biker based ministries, who wanted to create a place for bikers, ministries and other biker chaplains to communicate and connect.
This site has been created as a ministry resource, not a club, group or organization. For this reason, we only issue rockers (Chaplain), no patch is involved.
While we are associated with numerous ministry organizations (both traditional and biker), we wanted a place that brought all these things together and provided a jump-point for our, biker chaplain ministry.
This place was not devised nor created by us, but only by God’s hand working in us. We take no credit for use this site can be, and give it all to God.
We hope that each of you find the site helpful and a source of inspiration, support and togetherness. We pray for each of you, a solid footing before you found only in the God we serve.
In Christ,
Sidecar & Chappy
